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Already hailed as their most ambitious and least funny outing so far, 'Dawn of the Dad' (Mardy Zombies latest album) was bound to happen sooner or later, but three overwhelming factors were forged to make it nower. Firstly, both Pix and Tozer are dads - not so spooky in itself. Secondly, though, and this is spooky, is the former connection that eventually dawned on the dads. PICTURE THE SCENE: A typical mid-decade evening of accoustic pollution deep within the saucy vaults of studio 'T' . Pix spies Tozer's freshly opened bottle of Netto's finest (£1.95) red 'Baron Romero'...
That really is how it happened. A trifle strange it didn't come up earlier but there you go. The third and perhaps spookiest factor of all is alas too horrific to divulge at this time. Our apologies. Maybe you can work it out for yourself. ![]() web design: guy hopkinson - / www.archaeoscope.org |